
holla fellas!

my name is tiara suci zuriani also people call me tir now i am going to 15 years old and for a moments i am is 99 students haha ,actually my blog is not really interesting and good but i hope you can enjoy and always read my blog yaa.......

Saturday, August 22, 2009


halloooo, uhm first day fasting nih ya..............gimana?lancarngk?hihi alhamdulillah gue lancar dong wkekek semoga kedepannya jg lancara ya semua! amiiiiiin.

eya for fill my spare time i will tell you about what I want hihihi :

1. polaroid camera.............uwgggh

2. D5000 dslr or whtever slr camera I wnt it!!!!!!

3. lomo fisheye uououo please bought me it mommy daddy!

4. an Old camera, yuhu whr I can get it huh?

5. apple black mac book (laptop aja blm dpt ini lg mac -_-)

and last..........

6. iPod nano 8Gb white or black
I need them so much uwghhhh someone please bought me one of another yayaya?


Thursday, August 20, 2009


ngk kerasa puasa udah tinggal dikit lagi men haha tinggal 2 apa tiga hari lagi wihi sebelumnya gue mau minta maaf lahirbatin ya coy buat semua kesalahan gue yang banyak banget sama kalian temen temen keluarga om tante bang dek semuanya deeeeeeeh yang gue sengaja atau pun engga. Ohiya semoga semuanya bisa lancar ya ngejalanin puasa nya dan semoga gue jg bisa jadi lebih baik selama bulan puasa dan setelahnya dan gue bisa ngebuang yang jelek jelek dan berusaha berubah jadi lebih baik ya hihi amiiiiiin.


the most i love.............

hehehe mau post lagi nih eh tp ini ngikutin post nya jasmin nih hoah maap ya min hihi.........okay next, I just wanna tell you people who I most love ya,

1. Mama & Papa, huaaaa makasih bgt ya buat kalian yang udah ngelahirin aku ke dunia dan selalu berusaha ngasih yang terbaik buat aku biarpun kadang aku seriiiiiingbgt bandel malah ngebantah sama kalian hehehe

2. Mentari, ahoah ini nih temen gue dari keciiiiiil sampe sekarang (skg jg masih kecil tuh ti -.-) tetangga gue juga anaknya lucu kocak baik tapi suka ngeselin dia paling tau semua muanya masalah gue dari temen sampe keluarga hoah tapi skg lagi jarang cerita soalnya dia................gtdeh muahaha

3. Mutia Yasmin, ininih anak 216 biasanya dipanggil jasmin -.- anaknya manis rambutnya kriwil kriwil giginya dipagerin baik matanya bagus coklat trs suka nangis karna.........itudeh suka kerumah gue buat numpang ol sama makan hahaha trs suka ngakak gede bgt trs suka ngomel ngomel ngk jelas oya PELIIIIT NYA NGK KETOLONGAN hahahaha

4. Friska Ariani, anak labschool cantik putih tinggi men -,- rambutnya panjang baguuus badannya ideal uhw baiiik suaranya kaya cowo hihi sering cerita cerita juga sama dia ttg mantan ssst ha ha

5. Ghina Shabrina, anak 99 kelas nya di 9.3 sekarang baik imut kalo marah paling napsu sayangnya sama HAHA sering kerumah gue, gue juga sering kerumah dia ahuaha plg rusuh

6. Inka Rima, 99 juga coy sekelas sama ghina sebangku malah ya?hahaha banyak yang blg kita
kembar loh padahal beda ya in?dulu kita sempet berantem tp skg udah ngk doooong hihi, anaknya baik lucu kocak jidatnya ngk nahan hauhauhau canda innnnn

7. Anarasya Triaderiang, temen sekelas gue dulu waktu kelas 8 yaga ras?anaknya putih bgt cantik tinggi kaya bule suka kepedean baik tapi suka egois bibir nya seksi coooy ihihi bestfriend nya ifa hihi

8. Ardelia, kalo ini sekelas waktu kelas 7 kita jg sempet berantem ya dell skg tp ngk dong ya huehe anaknya tinggi matanya belo badannya kaya model giginya juga dipagerin loh baik suka curhat tentang................dddd

9. Adhista Khoiruna Ramadhani, temen sekelas sekaligus chairmate gue meen, hahaha kita sering bgt nih kena marah dan hampir diblacklist sama walikelas uuu serem tp udh ngk amiiin, dia orgnya cantik putih berkacamata baik dan sering bgt gue isengin hauahu ampun ya dhis ya

10. Rowena Descagita, wuih anak ballet cantik kaya bule bahasa inggris nya top gendut hihii bawellll rame tapi baik dulu kita dekeeeeeeetbgt tp sempet berantem jg nih hihii tp udah baean cuy

11. Ishmah Aida Shafa, si cinaaaaa yg cantik putiiiih suka gila sendiri hahaha baik paling dewasa pacarnya brilian elga wahuahua

12. Eska Diky Diati, kakak gue yg plg baiiiiik cantik imut anak 68 pinteeeeer dewasa gue pernah nangis nih sama dia hihi

13. Charina Febiana Nasution, si bocah yg sama bocahnya sama gue haha tapi dia putih men cantik lagi gigi nya dipagerin juga hahaha kalo marah juteknya serem bener uwhhh pacarnya aldy loh hahaha

14. Stella Marlena J.M, temen sekelas gue yg penuh lawak kalo ketawa ngakak ngk berenti manis baik aktiiiiif selalu berusaha ceria tiap harinya

15. Nathania S.M, baik suaranya bagus abis dewasa gue sering cerita sama dia hhihihi

16. Nurria Animbang, hahaha babi aiiiiir lucu rambut nya bagus banget bikin sirik gue hahah suka di candid

17. Chintia Della, anaknya pendieeeeeeem bgt diantara yg lain haha tp kalo udah deket anaknya lucu kok baik cantik lagi hihii

18. Arman Abdurrachman, hahaha si arab idung besar yang lucu abis kalo kesel sama orang suaranya bisa gede bgt tp tetep aja ngk kaya org marah malah bkn org ngakak hahaha baiiiiik deh sekelas sama gue loh (so?

19. Norrika T.S, anaknya baik suka gila kaya ifaaaa ahuahua lucu suka menyendiri asik hueheu jak angel men haha ngk deng canda abiiiis

20. YOOOOOOOOU! <3<3<3<3

that's all of people who I most love, I dont wanna lost of them if we already Senior High School I will miss you very much all and I hope don't forget to one of another yaaaa huhu love you somuch!



hello gergous!
I'm getting sick nih uhuk kecian ya (ngksih) ahuhau iyanih dari satu ada dua minggu yang lalu gue kan emang udah batuk gitu suara udah abis gtttt hoah malah sempet kaya monster suaranya uhhh serem ck. udah gitu makin parah kemaren pas gue plg dari pizza tuh kan gue kerumah della sama raras ifa charina pale gue udah rada pusing gt ngk enak pas gue tiduran gt sejam-an trs bangun masih ngk papa eh pas beberapa lama della megang badan gue udah anget gt oahlalala matilah gue sakit kan ck (nyantai sih ti) udah tuh kan gue tidur lagi eh malah di candid gue sama charina ckkkk jahat bener lu char haha mana jelek lagi, skip. trs kan ama della gue disuruh balik aja kan biar istirahat tp gue ngk mau soalnya gue ntar sorenya gue juga ada leees ngk enak gue ngk masuk ntar makin bego gua haha, trs gue tdr lagi kan si charina jg ikutan tidur jadinya haha trs jam setengah 4 pada bgn gitu kan trs della mandi charina nelfon bang akub trs kita ijin gt kan ama pak imam buat makan soalnya si charina della pada laper sementara gue napsu makan kaga ada -_- mana duit juga abis ckck haha, yauda kita akirnya lgsg ke pak imam aja trs pas nyampe si della ama charina ijin lagi buat makan karna tadi ngk sempet makan yauda trs balik belajar ampe jam 6 kurang trs gue blk trs solat magrib abis itu tidur bentar ampe jam 8 trs ke dokter deh abis itu makan di mas mono plg hoaaaah cape cuy pengen cepet sembuh biar bs pergiiiiiiiiii ah mana udh gt ya abang gue ngeselin bgt sumpah kaya apaantau I want to punch him urrggggh fckkkk you so much da! ohya hari ini untungnya ada jasmin huoah jadi ngk bosen deh dirumah heuhehe, ya allah semoga bsk badan ku udah ngk panas palaku ngk pusing lagi amiiiiiiiiin ya allah, hihi udah yaaa bye muah.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Your guardian angel

When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

You're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cause I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay woah, stay woah

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

this is my fill heart...............woah ck


Monday, August 17, 2009

st ngk penting ngk usah dibaca hehe

eh gue mau post yg rada ngk penting nih hm
huuuuh ini udah yang keberapa ya gue nulis tentang lo?
2 kali 5 kali ah banyak
hehe maap ya
abis lo tuh ngk bosen bosen ya hinggap di otak gue
(hinggap?mancem cicak dong haha)
lo juga knpsi susah bgt buat di buang
yaelah bejat ajaloooo, tapi tetep aja gue pikirin .ck

eh gue kangen deh,
kangen gue chat sama lo lagi yg deket bgt
kangen gue otp-an sama lo yang sampe berjam jam dan hampir tiap malem
kangen gue ada yg nyubit pipi lg kl lagi jalan (HA HA)
kangen gue ada yang manggil gue ''sayang'' lagi
kangen gue ada yang ngambek karna gue maen ama cowo
kangen gue cabut pas ketemu lo pas sklh ngk belajar
ah pokonya gue kangen semuanya dari lo!
(knp ngk ada kgn sms-an?karna gue ngk pernah sms-an emg haha)

kapan semua bisa balik?............ngarep hhh (tapi amin amin)

udah ah hmhh, ngk penting kan?emang -_- sabar yak yg baca heuhe


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

youyouyou and you again

eh bete deh ya, ngk ngapa2in suara abis ah ck sakit elaaah.
mending gue cerita tentang ~you aja deh ya(drpd ngk ada kerjaan).
ehm siapa sih ~you?adadehhh
udah sebut aja ~you ya.
ehm ya do you know ngk until now i still can't forget youuuuuu tau!
eh padahal ya ini tuh udah mau ke 4 bulannya tapi gue masih ngk bisa lupain ~you
begoooow bgt kan towloool bgt
tapi emg sampe sekarang masih ngk ada yang bisa ngambil posisi ~you di hati gue(ea) jijik.
tapi ya emg blm ada yg bisa bkn gue lupain ~you
dari awal sampe sekarang
huh nyeksaaaaanjir
semua orang blg udeh sih lupain aje cari yg baru masih banyak yang lebih baek kali
huehe iya sih emang tapi yoooou must know men yg namanya ngelupain sesuatu yg terlalu disayang itu susah wuwuu apabae deh ih ahaha tapi emang bener
dan yg namanya udah terlalu sayang itu juga susah buat ngelepasnya
ah emang sih salah gue jg terlalu sayang...............karna emang orang itu ngk boleh terlalu sayang karna nanti kalo pisah kita sendiri yang bakal susah
ah tau ah yang jelas intinya gue masih belom bisa lupain ~you dan ngk ada (belom ada sih) yang bisa gantiin ~you.
udah ya byeeeee.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

iseng minta punya ka allia hehe

10 Favorites
Favorite Season -- summer
Favorite Time -- night
Favorite Food -- zupa soup
Favorite Drink -- mineral water
Favorite Ice Cream -- pokonya yg chocolate ice cream gue suka
Favorite Sport -- swim sama basket lumayan mhihi
Favorite Actor -- ape aja -,-
Favorite Actress -- Anne Hathaway, Kate winslet

9 Currents
Current Feeling -- still in love
Current Drink -- air putih lagi
Current Time -- 1.18
Current Show on TV -- cinta fitri-.-
Current Mobile use -- Sony Ericsson
Current Windows -- Windows XP
Current Underwear -- eeeew
Current Clothes -- kaos putih polos celana batik jogja
Current Thought -- 'the memories with........alalala'

8 Firsts
First Nickname -- tiara
First Kiss -- ehm HEHE
First Crush -- ex boyf
First Best Friend -- mentarilaah
First Job -- pelajar
First Toy -- big white bear
First Pet -- cat

7 Lasts
Last Drink -- mineral water
Last Kiss -- nothing lah
Last Meal -- jco donuts
Last Web Site Visited -- facebook, twitter
Last Movie Watched -- nothing
Last Phone Call -- abg gue, dubel
Last TV show Watched -- cinta fitri

6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Broken the Law -- engga dong wekeke :)
Have You Ever Been Drunk -- kagalah ih idiot
Have You Ever Kissed Someone Something You Didn't Know -- lu pikir gue apaan gile
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire -- alhamdulillah belom, dan insyaallah ga akan pernah amin
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped -- apetuh tau aja kaga -.-
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart -- mgkn pernah
Have You Ever Been Broken Hearted -- OH YES BANGET

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now -- perih :'(
Things On Your Bed -- mba gue lagi tidur, bantal
Things You Ate Today -- bubur ayam yummy ') mie goreng jco
Things You Can't Live Without -- Internet,hp,friendsand family ')
Things You Do When You Are Bored -- main internet,posting,nyanyi,dengerin lagu,nonton dll

4 Places You Have Been Today-- kamar, kamar, dan gading

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now -- kompi, 1 dozen jco, gelas,hp, buku and manymore

2 Choices -- mati sekarang atau ngk -.-

1 Place You Want To Visit -- Paris

yeaaaa thats my steal quis from ka allia mhihihi ,I had getting bored so I fill this question mhihi oke bye


finally deh

halloooooooooooooooow, how are you today gergousy?
Hahaah finally today I go out of the house also after part-time I was used only for sleep online and sleep again haha in fact today I not all the well feel my head had a terrible headache and my body was somewhat hot because somethin' hooah i don't wanna tell what's that okay skip, but tonight my mommy asked me to go to gading mall to buy jco and finally we went by the pedicab wahaha then I bought 1 dozen jco but also jcool wuhu for a long time I want that finally today I could feel that again wokaka em not very great day but yea was enough than not go anywhere mhihi em what want I tell again ya?huh oh yeah i want go to senen market agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
bhahaha sounds like ''norak'' yea but i'm sure
I addiction for the expenses there again huahau because the goods quality is good and at first the price were very cheap than others wuahah
Ohyeaah not will be felt by the fast in a moment em remained 13/14 the day again woaaah I was impatient hihi em but I really longed for the atmosphere of the fast in hometown huhu ahh i miss my hometown famiiiiiily wohoho alalala
Uhya not was felt also my birthday just 2 months more again mhihii I hoped what I was planned could happen and be granted amen hihi pray for me yaaa!
oya i want tell somethin'.............what?I miss someone uhuhu..............who's that?dunno........STUPID
Eh I was really didn't suppose evidently was as easy as that you like that changed substitutes was as fast as that ckckck I was not willing and insincere sorry to this time I must pray for that your road will not be fluent in..............I'm so sorry ya but yeah it's hard to explain
tonight many people going to java rockin land ya for watch secondhand serenade performance huaaaaah
In fact I also wanted to watch the concert but I was convinced I will not get permitted my mom and my dad because the agenda was too anxious and nothing people who can accompany me to watch the concert fufufu so bete deh
ah enough ya i dunno what i want to tell again so byeeeee gergousy muah hihi <3


Friday, August 7, 2009

hey im bored, can you get it?.____.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

my bad luck like suck

Already one month more I underwent the school with 9 grade hoah earlier it was so pleasant but for the last one weeks my fate and dhista my classmates was straightened, dammit.For the last one weeks since the i had mathematical test that was given by Mr bejo made me and dhista often in called the guardian of the class huh really was annoying, in fact we didn't do anything so over out but always in wrong would I did not want to tell the punishment what happened to me and dhista so details because I to often got bad luck and so make me so embarrassing especially because there......alalala but also I had several matters that made me somewhat happy,
uhm yeah and but that not so make me happy especially because my juniors now reallyreally very rude and didn't respect with their senior
they just did anything that they liked without gazing at who, I not wanted to be honored or in praiseds but as senior I possibly also my friends of a my generation want to junior respect with us so please dont be rude junior
uhm yeah I want tell something but i think its so vulgar if I tell it in here but when i hear that I feel so down down down and down beacuse what ''123'' (just call 123 okay) said is so deep for me waaaa I dunno what must I believe the reality or what ''123'' said woaaa but I just wanna it come back agaiiiin yah despite it impossible to hear and sounds so crazy but whteverrr I cant do anything again because when I tried to forgot that I always cant and failed failed and failed AGAIN like sucks! so now I just can wait crazy miracle ohgod what did i say know?
This was mad and unclear fiuh i know maybe you dont know what I tell know HA HA HA just little rubbish story, okay i think now i will go to sign out.ops ohyeah I just wanna tell CONGRATULATION TO FRISKA-EDO good luck ya guys! (when i can like thay too?dream uh).
ohyeaah just for information I have been change my templates colour because I'm getting bored with my old colour and
I wanted to try the new atmosphere (?) hahaaha
okaaaaay finish, bye all dont miss me ya hihi :p
p.s :I'm sorry if many wrong words mhihi
