
holla fellas!

my name is tiara suci zuriani also people call me tir now i am going to 15 years old and for a moments i am is 99 students haha ,actually my blog is not really interesting and good but i hope you can enjoy and always read my blog yaa.......

Saturday, August 22, 2009


halloooo, uhm first day fasting nih ya..............gimana?lancarngk?hihi alhamdulillah gue lancar dong wkekek semoga kedepannya jg lancara ya semua! amiiiiiin.

eya for fill my spare time i will tell you about what I want hihihi :

1. polaroid camera.............uwgggh

2. D5000 dslr or whtever slr camera I wnt it!!!!!!

3. lomo fisheye uououo please bought me it mommy daddy!

4. an Old camera, yuhu whr I can get it huh?

5. apple black mac book (laptop aja blm dpt ini lg mac -_-)

and last..........

6. iPod nano 8Gb white or black
I need them so much uwghhhh someone please bought me one of another yayaya?
